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Complete Question Explanation

The correct answer choice is (B).

Answer choice (A):

Answer choice (B): This is the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (C):

Answer choice (D):

Answer choice (E):

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-"until recently" wrong, we don't know this, we only know just that some scholars believe this.
-"cultural mentality... reinforce monarchical absolutism" sure, its a bit more than that (politcal/social factors)
-Doesn't touch upon the author's perspective.

B. Yes

-"...expansion of the social and intellectual developments of the Renaissance" no, Maravall believes its cultural and political move in opposition to these earlier Renaissance movements in an attempt to maintain and justify the aristocracy.

D. Close in my opinion but D wrong because that's not exactly Maravall's theory (its not even a theory really its an interpretation of a period)
-His 'theory' is rather that the baroque period is not just an aesthetic style but is a wider political, social, and cultural mentality.
-"intent of the ruling class" this is an assumption and implies a more purposeful strategy by the monarch/aristocracy than the passage suggests.
-"refuted by specific examples" sure examples are included, but that's not the main point the author is making rather that Maravall's is overzealous with his interpretation and it doesnt apply to the wider period as a whole (outside Spain and dictator Franco).

E. Doesn't encapsulate the last paragraph about the author's perspective. "political construct" Maravell thinks its more than that.

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