- Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:14 pm
Lines 45, specifically the wording "redistributing the Earth's seawater," gave me a long pause as to whether D is the "cannot be true" answer choice; how can there be a "redistribution of the Earth's seawater" without "changes in circulation patterns in the Earth's oceans," at least for a short period of time?
Or maybe this is a multi-causation observation in the following way:
yeah , sure you cannot have redistribution of seawater water without changes in circulation patterns in the Earth's atmosphere; BUT, according to the "asteroid impact theory," the redistribution of the seawater also caused increases in the rotational acceleration of the mantle, and it is this - i.e. the increase in the rotational acceleration of the mantle - that this theory argues triggered the chain causing the reversal, and NOT the changes in circulation patterns in the Earth's ocean though it too had to hav occurred by the redistribution of seawater.
In other words, multi-causation because: the redistribution caused both changes in circulation patterns in the Earth's ocean AND the increase in the acceleration of the mantle, but only the latter, according to the second theory, causes the reversal; and since the question is caused the reversal EXCEPT, the latter (changes in circulation patterns in the Earth's ocean) the correct, cannot be true, answer-choice.
Or, am I off target?
Thank you