Hi Vexans,
Yes, fortunately there is a list of clues
First, go to Lesson 9, page 9-18 and 9-19 to get some background information, and then use the following list for a more complete look:
The following list covers the elements that can help you identify a Limited Solution Set game:
Numerical Limitations
- 1. A Numerical Distribution.
2. Either a small number of variables or a small number of available spaces.
3. A scenario that creates multiple groups and then leaves only one or two spaces available in one or more of the groups.
4. A game that fixes a significant number of variables and leaves only a few free to move.
- 5. A scenario that creates a two-value system, and then uses conditional rules.
6. A rule that creates duality for any variable, such as, “R must be third or fifth.”
7. A rule that creates duality for a space, such as, “Either P or Q must be first.”
8. Games where the linear base is divided in “half,” creating a limited number of spaces on each side.
Overlap Between Rules or Variables
- 9. A variable that appears in three or more rules.
10. Multiple rules addressing just a limited number of variables.
11. A large number of rules.
Power Blocks
- 12. One or more sizable or unwieldy blocks. The more blocks present, the more likely the number of solutions are limited.
13. Multiple negative blocks.
14. A combination of three or more blocks and not-blocks.
Limited Randoms
- 15. No randoms in the game, or a single random in a game with six or fewer total variables.
That should hopefully get you started!