- Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:15 am
So I cannot provide specific example from real PTs, but
I think there are many times the test deal with time-shift...
In flaw question, the idea is flaw because something happened in the past may not happen again in future,
but in strengthen or weaken question, the idea can be useful to support/weaken the argument in the stimulus right?
So does it mean flaw argument can be useful in support/weaken something?
So I cannot provide specific example from real PTs, but
I think there are many times the test deal with time-shift...
In flaw question, the idea is flaw because something happened in the past may not happen again in future,
but in strengthen or weaken question, the idea can be useful to support/weaken the argument in the stimulus right?
So does it mean flaw argument can be useful in support/weaken something?