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"Which one of the following judgments most closely conforms to the principle above? " It is stated as a Must - PR (From 2016 LR Bible pg 619) :

But identifying this Question as MUST-PR seems to be inconsistent with what one occasion POWERSCORE identified as a MUST Be True - PR FORM (PrepTest 61 - October 2010 - LSAT LR Section 4 Q.1 lsat/viewtopic.php?f=516&t=6822&p=46318#p46318 ) :

"The Situation described above most closely conforms to which one of the following generalizations? " (MUST BE TRUE - PR)

So among these two what is Must PR Q and What is Strengthen PR Q?
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Lathlee,

The principles presented with "the following judgments" are ones we've started to identify as Parallel questions since the five answers tend to be on five different topics (just like a typical Parallel question). But, as I noted in your other question, Must and Parallel are closely related so no matter how you identify it, you'll still get it right.

The difference in Must vs Strengthen with principles (and the use of the word "conform") is a subtle one, and relies on which part you take as true. When the principles in the stimulus is sued to prove an answer, it's Must (or Parallel if judgments are involved); when a principle in the answer choices is used to affect the argument, it's Strengthen.

It's an interesting game they've been playing with Principle question stems, and it's definitely tricky. I always double-check those stems to make sure I got their meaning right!

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