- Wed Oct 13, 2021 5:05 pm
Hello all,
Just to make sure everyone is on the page with this (kind of weirdly worded?) purpose question, here's where I think the passage most directly speaks on the issue:
"In an effort to save time and money, many industries have turned to alternative methods of hazardous-waste disposal, including increased use of deep-well injection. In this method, wells are drilled into porous and permeable rock strata that are already saturated with salt water. Liquid wastes are then injected into the rock strata. Most of these wells are drilled to a depth of at least 300 meters—the minimum depth that generally puts the injected waste at a safe distance below any aquifer, in this case a rock stratum containing drinkable water. Such wells are rarely deeper than 1,800 meters, because below this depth it is more cost-effective to consider an alternative method of disposal. " (emphasis mine).
Based on the above, if we were pre-phrasing this question, we might turn to costs as a main idea, that is to say, the primary purpose is efficiency in hazardous waste disposal. However, such a answer does not appear, and so we have to eliminate obviously wrong answer choice and choose the best viable option. Here, I think you would safely eliminate all but B and C, as these are the only two that really address "hazardous waste." And then as between B and C, C is the safer option, given the idea of making other disposal methods "obsolete." This is a classic "extreme answer choice" that one should always be wary of on the LSAT.
Let me know if anyone has further questions.