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What does PowerScore consider to be the most effective way to complete the Problem Sets? Complete the entire set and then refer to Answer Explanations? Go one by one? Refer to the Answer Explanations after approximately 5 questions?

Thank you very much!
 Adam Tyson
PowerScore Staff
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Good question, kwcflynn! I think each of those approaches has its advantages and disadvantages, so I'll share my personal preference, and that is to do about half the problem set and to then check the answers. If it's going very well, move on to something else, as that particular task may be fairly easy for you and it would be better to spend your effort elsewhere. It's also good to save some material for review later, after you have moved on to other topics, just to avoid getting too rusty or complacent about those skills. If, on the other hand, it goes poorly, then you have some material to study from to learn from those mistakes before charging on into the rest of the problems. That way, you can study and improve and then try the second half of the set to see if things go better the second time around.

I am not fond of checking answers with each problem, as that interrupts the thought process and workflow. It's not so much about "did I get this question right?" as it is about developing good habits and a good process for attacking the problems. Focus on the process, and as that improves, so will your accuracy rate.

Let us know how that goes for you!
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I just completed the Lesson 1 HW. We can I find the explanation to the answers?
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 Stephanie Oswalt
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Rdeloe wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:38 pm I just completed the Lesson 1 HW. We can I find the explanation to the answers?
Hi Rdeloe,

The explanations are linked in your Online Student Center, under Lesson and Homework Supplements - Lesson 1- Homework Explanations. If you need more specific assistance, please email us at and our admin staff would be happy to assist! :) Thanks.

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