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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=13972)

The correct answer choice is (B)

In this List question each of the incorrect answer choices can be eliminated by a simple application of the rules:

Answer choice (A) is incorrect because P is not addressed to any of the housemates. Consider that in a game with only three rules, one of the ways they will test you is to see if you understood the basic constraints on variable use and assignment (e.g. every piece of mail is addressed to a housemate and every housemate has at least one piece of mail addressed to her).

Answer choice (C) is incorrect because M is addressed to G, a violation of the first rule.

Answer choice (D) is incorrect because from the second rule when L is addressed to R, then P must be addressed to J.

Answer choice (E) is incorrect because from the last rule the housemate to whom the flyer is addressed must receive at least two pieces of mail.

Thus, answer choice (B) is proven correct by process of elimination.

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