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  • Joined: Nov 24, 2011

I have been doing a lot of timed tests, and I've noticed that I do pretty well on one Logical Reasoning section and not so great on the other one. The better one is usually the first one. I was wondering is this normal? Do they usually make one harder than the other or is this because I'm more tired towards the end?

Thanks for your help!

 Nikki Siclunov
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Sherry,

Thanks for your question. As a standardized test, the LSAT tries to achieve equivalence in difficulty levels across the different administrations, and between the LR sections within each test. That said, it is normal for one section to be slightly more difficult than the other, but there is absolutely no pattern as to whether this is the first or the second section of the test.

I suspect the problem you are experiencing is mostly related to fatigue and loss of concentration. Whenever you take practice tests, make sure you do 5 section tests, and aim to complete all of your homework (if you are taking a full-length course) in one sitting. At the same time, leave one day between your practice tests for review - it's important not to burn out.

Good luck!
  • Posts: 2
  • Joined: Nov 24, 2011
Hi Nikki,

Thanks for your response! I believe it's due to fatigue and loss of concentration too because I tend to get much lower on the last LR of the test. I'll have to work on my endurance. I have been doing the previous LSAT's which are on the PowersScore website and they exclude the experimental section. I guess I will randomly choose a section and add it to test to make sure that I can get through without losing concentration.

Thanks again,

  • Posts: 9
  • Joined: Sep 09, 2011

I don't know if it's any consolation, but I've noticed the same on my LR sections, too. I guess I'm getting tired too...


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