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Just out of curiosity, is there any statistical indication on which section would be the experimental section? (e.g., before the break or after the break, the first or the second of the same section, etc.)

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 Dave Killoran
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Hey Winup,

A long time ago, LSAC used just one experimental section number. So, if I had an experimental in section 1, everyone had section 1 as the experimental. We still had different section types, but we had it in the same position.

About 5 years ago LSAC moved to a multiple experimental section system, so some people might have section 1 for a test, and other people taking that same exam would have section 3. That made it much harder for students to track and determine what was happening.

But, up until last year, those experimentals were always among the first three sections. Then, last year, LSAC pulled a move we'd been expecting for a while: they tossed in an experimental in the 4th section of one test.

So, at this point, you can pretty much see it anywhere, and they do their best to mix it up and not fall into a discernible pattern.

Can I assume that you just took the test and are trying to figure out which section you had as experimental?
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Thanks, Dave. Right. The problem I had during the test was that I had a decent pace in the first three sections. But after the intermission, I was a bit stunned at the 4th (probably because I felt the 4th one is tougher, due to less familiar topics, than the 3rd one, both the same type). So I was hoping the 4th one is the experimental section (now it seems the odds are way against me).

I was also worn out a little in the 5th section, because my leather jacket started to hurt my shoulders, which never happened during practice tests... and my pace slowed down quite bit. I made a major mistake in trying to keep up with the pace I had during the easier sections and I probably rushed through some questions without thorough analysis, and I knew I shouldn't have traded speed for accuracy, but I wasn't thinking.

Though I am not planning to cancel my score, but I felt I could have prepared better (for example, I didn't get the cannot-be-true questions right, spent 2 mins and gave up). The course has been really helpful, and thanks for everything!
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 Dave Killoran
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It's always tough in those last two sections--fatigue really starts to play a big role. But, everyone has to deal with those same issues, so you weren't alone in feeling like you were pushing uphill.

From what I know of this test, unfortunately I'm not aware of anyone having the experimental after the break. The topics of the scored sections are public knowledge at this point, so if you had LG or RC as your experimental, let me know and I can let you know what the sections were. I posted some comments on the RC section here: ... 3676#p3676 .

Glad the course helped and continue to let us know what we can do to assist you. Thanks!
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Oh, an excellent post!, I hope all are benefited by this article

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