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  • Posts: 14
  • Joined: Jul 11, 2012
I have two quick questions!

1. I just completed lesson one homework and still got some questions wrong in the 40 drill logical reasoning-must be true and main point questions and the six logic games. Is this okay or should I be getting most correct? I am worried about moving on to lesson two when I am still making errors in lesson one.

2. Once I have finished the homework for the lesson and looked at other resources on the student area, what would you recommend doing with the next few days before the next lesson?

 Adam Tyson
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Aylix. First, let me say that you should not be worried about getting a few questions wrong in the drill in Lesson 1 homework. That's what practice is for - to learn, and that includes learning from your mistakes. What I would suggest is that you re-visit the questions that gave you a hard time, including the ones that you got right but don't feel that you totally understand, and look at them again to see what you can learn from them. Go back to the lesson and see if there's something that you may have overlooked or misunderstood. Review the explanations in the book and online, and see if they help. Then, if there are still questions that are bothering you (like "why is answer C better than answer D?"), try two things: 1) post a specific question here in the forum, and a whole bunch of good folks will help; 2) call the Homework Hotline, and you will get up to 20 minutes discussion time with an LSAT instructor to help work through it.

What should you do next, after all the lesson and homework material? You could pull up a Logical Reasoning problem set from the online student center and take a stab at it. You could also take a breather, relax, and take good care of yourself - that's a good habit to get into for the long-haul until October. What you should not do is work ahead - don't move into the next lesson or homework. You'll get more out of your class, in my opinion, if you work along with the instructor and the rest of the class than you will if you work ahead.

Good questions! Good luck! Hope this helps.

Adam M. Tyson
PowerScore LSAT Instructor
  • Posts: 14
  • Joined: Jul 11, 2012
Thanks so much! That was very helpful!
  • Posts: 1
  • Joined: Jul 12, 2012
Well i think you should improve and correct your wrong answers in lesson one before moving on lesson two. I usually do this by reading 2 to 3 times with full attention. and thats the only thing which i do and i never had any problem after this.

hope this will help you

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