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  • Posts: 465
  • Joined: Mar 20, 2012
When I bombed an LSAT on Thursday (163), I messed up on a few respects. On LR, I was tired and didn't have complete focus. I got an 89% question wrong because I misread it and answered something that it wasn't asking. I got 8 wrong in the two sections, which is my worst in a LONG time. In LG, I got 4 wrong, and got 5/6 on the dinosaur game, but I think I psyched myself out a little bit knowing that game was coming and my timing overall wasn't too good. From what I could see, the dinosaur game is overratedly difficult. In RC, I got 9 wrong, and shot myself in the foot on the second game when I was moving at a good pace, and on one of the last questions in that game, I second guessed the answer that I had gotten in under 30 secs for two mins, which really through me off. I knew I had 8:45 for each of the last two passages, but it would be 15 questions, so I was cutting it close on time. And then to top it off, the third passage was CC, and it was a hard humanities, which is my RC weakness at the moment, so it got under my skin, I couldn't focus on the reading, and got 5/8 wrong. So I know where I messed up in each section, and my plan now is to take another test on Sunday, and take what I learned to get back on track with that test.

Do you have any tips of how to go about reading dense humanities passages and tips in general of what I could get out of that practice test? I tend to have issues getting through them, which messes me over on the questions. I feel like they flow worse than every other type of passage...


PS - Breakdown on this test:


LR: 43/51 (4 wrong in each)
RC: 18/27
LG: 19/23
Exp. LR: 23/26 (one of the ones I got wrong was the third question - very uncharacteristic of me, and sorta careless.)

And I consider a 163 to be bombing the test because I got a 167 last week and a 165 the week before.

All advice is appreciated. Thanks!
  • Posts: 465
  • Joined: Mar 20, 2012
I just graded the one I took today - I got a 168.

2 wrong in each LR.
9 wrong in RC.
0 wrong in LG.
5 wrong in LR exp, but I knew I did bad in that section as I lost focus for a long stretch of questions, and that was where all of the 5 wrong came.

I need to work on my speed in RC, as that was what messed me up the most in that section, plus the fact that I didn't have the answers right away on a lot of them, which is probably due to my notating. I didn't really find any of them too difficult to get through, so the issue may be in my practicing that I don't do timed RC, which I feel I should start doing. What would be the best way to go about prephrasing main points in RC? (This question is mainly for Adam.)

By the way, I had guess that I had gotten only 9 wrong overall and guessed that to be 171-172, so I was only a little bit off on how I felt about the test.

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