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  • Posts: 30
  • Joined: Aug 05, 2012
I am prepping for the October exam in a week and slowly starting to get nervous about the exam. I have taken quite a few practice exams and am continuously scoring in the mid 150's- to high 160's. My biggest weakness is the logical reasoning section. I am struggling with the logic behind a lot of the answers. At times, I will go back to the question and read the answer and still have no idea why that is the right answer and I know that if a similar question were to come up, I would not pick the right answer.

I started prepping for this exam at the end of may and have come a long way- thanks to your logic games books am I able to complete the whole section LG section on time without 0-1 errors everytime. My biggest issue is that since my score went up in the LG section and I haven't paid as much attention to the LR section, that I am getting more and more wrong in the LR section.

I am doing fine with the CR section- I miss a few here and there and some sections are just harder than others.

Any tips on how to fix the number of errors in the LR section? Ive gone through your books for the LR section, but i'm still struggling. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks again for the great books and aides. Its the final homestretch for me, so I'd like to perform well on Saturday. Thanks again.
 Nikki Siclunov
PowerScore Staff
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My recommendation would be to go back to the fundamental concepts in Logical Reasoning: the methods for attacking every question type, the basics for Conditional and Causal reasoning, etc. Then thoroughly review all the mistakes you've made on practice tests since June: every single one of them! Figure out why you missed those questions, what you can do differently in the future, etc. Also, while being somewhat nervous about the test is understandable, don't let your nerves get the better of you. You need confidence going into this thing.
  • Posts: 30
  • Joined: Aug 05, 2012
Thanks Nikki. I appreciate the advice. I will do my best with the week that is remaining

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