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  • Posts: 27
  • Joined: Jul 14, 2014
So I know the answer to this will probably just be "keep studying" but figured I'd ask anyway. I saw a score decrease of 5 points on my last practice test (December 2007), from the test I had taken before that (June 2013). I have continued studying hard and even saw my games section improve a bit despite the lower score. So I guess I'm just wondering if the December 07 test was a bit tougher in your guys' opinion, or did it maybe just extensively test concepts that I might be weaker in when compared to the June 2013 test? Thanks for your continued help!
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PowerScore Staff
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Hi ccampise!

Generally speaking, there aren't major differences in the relative difficulties of different LSATs. But seeing a swing in your practice test scores is common. Several factors can affect your test score, including, as you said, more questions on topics that you are weaker/stronger in, as well as things as simple as how you were feeling the day you took the test.

Try not to get discouraged by dips in your practice test scores. Keep taking practice tests to work on your consistency. Also, use each practice test not just as a measurement of where your score is currently, but as a study tool. Pick apart all the questions (including the ones you got correct!) and make sure you fully understand them. Try to analyze your performance on the test and think about things that may have affected your test-taking. Are you struggling with a certain type of question? Did you forget to consistently apply one of your strategies? Were you too distracted by something else? etc.

The more you fully analyze your practice tests, the more you'll be able to take lessons from each one and apply those lessons to your future practice tests so that you'll be able to see that score improve!

Hope this helps!


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