- Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:23 pm
Hello PowerScore,
Let me start by saying that I have 2 questions.
1) I have taken a PowerScore course, but is there anywhere that I can get a refresher on how to diagram certain words? Such as the difference between "without", and "only if", and "if and only if". With a few weeks until the test I think I would be best served by working on the fundamentals of LSAT questions.
2) I have been studying for months now, and while my scores are in the consistently high to mid 160s, I have noticed a trend....I always start out poorly....For example yesterday I took the Oct 2010 practice test, and missed 4 questions on the first section (RC) and 9!!! on the second section (LR 1). But on the last 2 sections I didn't miss a question and eventually scored a 169....
Doesn't this seem odd? Is it normal to get so much better as the test goes on? I've already tried doing a few practice problems before practice tests, but should I consider doing an entire section. Not only have my scores shown my improvement on the 2nd half of my tests, but when I take them I also feel much better during the sections. I usually barely finish the first few sections, but finish the last few with minutes to spare. Can you please give me some advice?
Garrett King
Let me start by saying that I have 2 questions.
1) I have taken a PowerScore course, but is there anywhere that I can get a refresher on how to diagram certain words? Such as the difference between "without", and "only if", and "if and only if". With a few weeks until the test I think I would be best served by working on the fundamentals of LSAT questions.
2) I have been studying for months now, and while my scores are in the consistently high to mid 160s, I have noticed a trend....I always start out poorly....For example yesterday I took the Oct 2010 practice test, and missed 4 questions on the first section (RC) and 9!!! on the second section (LR 1). But on the last 2 sections I didn't miss a question and eventually scored a 169....
Doesn't this seem odd? Is it normal to get so much better as the test goes on? I've already tried doing a few practice problems before practice tests, but should I consider doing an entire section. Not only have my scores shown my improvement on the 2nd half of my tests, but when I take them I also feel much better during the sections. I usually barely finish the first few sections, but finish the last few with minutes to spare. Can you please give me some advice?
Garrett King