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  • Joined: Aug 14, 2014
I took the online course over the summer, and scored a 151 on the first book test. I took the third test recently and scored a 157, so there has been some improvement, and on some of the older practice tests (Dec 04, Sept 07, Dec 07, Dec 09, and June 11) I have been able to reach the 160s, but I have not consistently been getting there. I am kind of unsure how to study in the next 2 weeks to try to consistently get 160s and hopefully reach the 170!! I have done all of the homework and problems in the books with class, watched every online module, reread all the lessons, and have been trying to do at least 1 section of a test per day if I do not have time to take a full test.

Would you recommend just continuing taking real practice tests? My question types I get wrong are not very consistent, although I was initially struggling with the Justify Questions. My logic games section is perfect, but Logical Reasoning I tend to get most of the difficult questions wrong and in Reading Comprehension I am struggling to maintain accuracy in the time provided.

Any advice would help, I have just been so disappointed that after a class I have barely had any improvement and I really don't want to postpone the test or take it again!!
 Ron Gore
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Shirsch!

First off, I'm so glad to hear that you are crushing the games section! That's great!

In terms of Logical Reasoning, as you've indicated, it is difficult to come up with a specific study strategy if your results are inconsistent. However, what that inconsistency suggests is that you may not be prephrasing properly and/or paying attention to the nuanced language. Do you think this is the case? If so, I recommend Jon Denning's excellent series of blog posts on prephrasing.

In terms of Reading Comprehension, where exactly are you struggling? Give me as much detail as you can, and I'll see if I can give you some advice on where to go with it.


  • Posts: 4
  • Joined: Aug 14, 2014
Hi Ron,
Thanks for your help! I will look at the prephrasing blog because I think that is my issue with most of the most difficult questions in Logical Reasoning I am getting wrong.

I just took the October 2013 (just got a 165!!), I am struggling with most of the Must be True Reading Comp questions, and the Concept Reference mostly as well as Author's Perspective. I tried a new strategy this time by writing little notes as I read each paragraph which I felt definitely helped with the Main Point questions as well as Global Reference questions, but did slow me down a little (but I did still finish the section). On the last test I took, June 2012, I had gotten 12 correct and 15 incorrect on the Reading Comp, but this time on October 2013 I was able to get 18 correct and only 9 incorrect. I think if I can aim to get at most 1 wrong on each passage it will help me reach that 170, but I'm not sure how else to improve.

I really appreciate all of your help!!
 Ron Gore
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Shirsch,

I apologize for getting back to you so late. I just realized today that you replied to my post.

I hope your Reading Comp is continuing to improve. Your strategy sounds rights, especially since you do not have the timing issues others face.

Best wishes,


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