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General questions relating to the LSAT or LSAT preparation.
  • Posts: 2
  • Joined: Mar 24, 2011
I have a few questions regarding the test:

1. Are we allowed to bring food or water? I was thinking about bringing a small snack.

2. I know we get one legitimate break after the 3rd section. So is it safe to assume that that's the time for a snack? Or can a bite or two of something be taken between other sections?

3. How quick is the break/transition between other sections (15 maybe 30 seconds)? A friend gave me a great suggestion--to rewind my analog watch to 12:00 after every section. I just want to make sure I'll have enough time to even do that without cutting into the next section's time, if that makes sense.

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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Justin,

In answer to your questions:

1. The rules are pretty strict. There’s an exact list of what is allowable at: .

2. Yes, the break after the 3rd section is the time for the snack. You will not have time to eat between the sections, because usually those breaks are about 10-15 seconds only.

3. Yes, they are really short, but you should have enough time to reset your watch to noon. That’s the approach that most people take, and fortunately it doesn’t take too long to reset most watches.

I hope the above answers your questions, but if you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to let me know. Thanks and good luck with the studying!

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