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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?f=282&t=7598)

The correct answer choice is (D)

This question can be easily solved using the Templates, or by applying the rules.

From the discussion of the first three rules, answer choices (A) and (B) can be eliminated.

Answer choice (C) can be eliminated by applying the fifth rule.

Answer choice (D) is the correct answer.

Answer choice (E) can be eliminated because N is featured on day 7, and from the second rule N cannot then be featured on day 6.
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For question 21, I am not understanding why B is the correct answer. My hypothetical for 20 was

K: _ _ H_ H_ H

P: G _ (no g) _ no(R)_ _(no R) _(no N) N (no G,R)

I thought that Rotweilers are not featured on day 7, nor any day that features Himalayans. So wouldnt Rotweilers not be on days 3,5.7 because those are the days that features Himalayans?

I'm also not understanding Q 24. I eliminated A and C, but I am having a hard time seeing why D is the correct answer.

 Emily Haney-Caron
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Hi Sarah,

For question 21, the correct answer is actually D, so no wonder you were confused!

For 24, keep in mind that we know from an inference that N is on day 7 (because G is in 1 and therefore cannot be in 7, and we know R cannot be on 7, leaving just N). That eliminates answer B. Next, if H is not on day 7, and we know is not on day 1, and has to appear 3 times, then it has to be on 2, 4, and 6. R then cannot be on 2, 4, or 6. 6 also cannot have N (since N is on 7), which means 6 has to have G (eliminating answer C). That means 5 cannot have G (eliminating answer A).

We now have this:

G _ _ _ _ G N
_ H _ H _ H _

We can eliminate answer E, because we only have four spaces left for dogs, and we can't fit 3 rottweilers in 4 consecutive spaces.

That leaves us with only one remaining answer.
  • Posts: 243
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Hello Emily,

Thankyou, your explanation helped a great deal!


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