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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=11653)

The correct answer choice is (C)

If Y is performed first, then according to the inference above, Z cannot be performed sixth. Thus, in this question O cannot be performed fourth because that would force P to be performed fifth and Z to be performed sixth. Therefore, answer choices (A), (B), and (E) can be eliminated because each places O fourth. Additionally, answer choice (B) can be eliminated because O must be performed earlier than Z.

Answer choice (D) can be eliminated since the Y-X-P-Z lineup in the first four performances violates the second rule.

Answer choice (C) is thus correct.
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If I'm in a state of "flustration" (which is a lot during logic games), in a question like this should I first look at what would violate the condition that Z can't go sixth? (In this case O being fourth?)

 Robert Carroll
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The explanation beginning this thread exploits that inference about the sixth position. Other ways to proceed:

I need O before P and P before Z. Answer choices (B) and (D) will have to violate this chain of sequencing. So those are out.

Answer choices (A) and (E) are identical except for switching the order of X and T. But X isn't in the sequencing rules, so the only concern about X is who performs it (making sure that the first and sixth performances are different people), and X being 2 or 3 won't be affected by that. Thus, if answer choice (A) works, answer choice (E) should also work, and vice versa. Well, the answers can't both be they must both be wrong.

That leaves only one answer.

Robert Carroll

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