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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=11429)

The correct answer choice is (B)

Remember to apply the simplest and most visually powerful rules first. In this case that happens to be the order in which the rules are presented. The first rule eliminates answer choice (C). The second rule eliminates answer choice (D). The third rule eliminates answer choice (A). And the fourth rule eliminates answer choice (E). Answer choice (B) is thus correct.
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Can you help me understand?

On Page 398 of the above listed Logic Bible, Game # 2: December 1994 Questions 12-17, I confused with the answer for Question 12.

The explanation on page 401 indicates that the fourth rule eliminates answer E and the correct answer is answer B.

But how could that be? (no pun intended)

According to the 4th rule, if pastels is scheduled for the second day, either fresco or history has to be scheduled the very next day. Answer E complies with this rule.

Answer B does too with history following pastels the next day.

I don't get it, and yet I've got to move on quickly.

Thanks for your help.
 Francis O'Rourke
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Hi Hope,

It looks like you red the rule a bit too quickly and missed one important distinction in the wording. The fourth rule does not say that if P is on day one or two, that F or H must follow it. Rule four actually says that if P is on day one or two, F and H must immediately follow P.

Answer choice E has Pastels on day two, but History is not on day three, so this schedule violates that fourth rule.

It's good that you caught your confusion on this answer choice. Now remember to read the rules more carefully, even for seemingly insignificant word choices like "or" vs "and."

Even if you feel rushed, make sure to slow down until you get more used to the language on this exam. Your speed and accuracy on this section will only improve after you understand the language of the LSAT more naturally. It can be frustrating at first to take so much time to read, but you have enough time between now and the next exam date to work on pacing.
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I appreciate that.
 Zarie Blackburn
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We recently received the following question from a student. An instructor will respond below. Thanks!
I’m working through Chapter 6 in the logic’s games bible. For the December 1994 game, question 12, the correct answer is B. However, I am struggling to understand why E is incorrect, even with the explanation that it violates rule number 4 (“if pastels is scheduled for day 1 or day 2, then the lectures scheduled immediately following pastels must be fresco and history, not necessarily in that order”).

It seems like if pastel was on the second morning, history comes afterwards, and then fresco, which does not seem to violate the rule.

What am I missing?

Thanks for your help!
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 Jonathan Evans
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Great question!

Let's illustrate the relevant parts of answer choice (E):


The issue is that the rule stipulates not only that F and H be after P if P1 or P2 but also that F and H be on the day following the day on which P is scheduled. In other words, if P is on day 2, F and H must be scheduled on day 3. Neither one of them may be scheduled on the same day as P even if they are scheduled after P on that day.


Does this make sense? Please follow up with further questions!

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