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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=2035)

The correct answer choice is (D)

Answer choice (A) is incorrect because G does not have two consecutive days off during the week (remember, the wording in the question stem is explicit: “at least two consecutive days off during the Monday-to-Friday workweek”). Answer choice (B) is incorrect because, according to the last rule, when H works then G must work on the following day. In this answer choice, H works on Monday, but G does not work on Tuesday. This answer choice also violates the third rule. Answer choice (C) is incorrect because I works on consecutive days, a violation of the third rule. Answer choice (E) is incorrect because F works later in the week than J, a violation of the fourth rule. Hence, answer choice (D) is correct.

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