- Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:00 pm
Complete Question Explanation
Strengthen—CE. The correct answer choice is (E)
The botanist quoted in this example discusses an experiment in which domesticated radishes were raised among wild radishes; within a few generations, the wild radishes, which are considered weeds, began to take on the color of the domesticated radishes. According to the botanist, this suggests that pesticide resistance could also be passed from domesticated crop plants to their weed cousins:
Answer choice (A): Based on the passage of color traits from domesticated radishes to their related wild species, the author concludes that other traits could be passed from domesticated plants to related species. This choice, which provides that it’s easier in principle to pass traits from wild species to domesticated species, would not strengthen the botanist’s argument, so it cannot be the right answer to this Strengthen question.
Answer choice (B): The relationship of the ratio to the speed of color trait passage would not strengthen the author’s conclusion, so this choice should be ruled out of contention.
Answer choice (C): This choice would weaken the author’s argument; if radishes are not representative, that makes it less likely that crop species could pass genetically engineered pesticide resistance in the same way that the radishes passed their color.
Answer choice (D): If, as this choice provides, the color that was passed among the radishes was not genetically introduced, that would weaken the author’s conclusion about passing genetically engineered pesticide resistance, so this cannot be the right answer to this Strengthen question.
Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer choice. If, as this choice provides, it is more difficult for radishes to pass color from domesticated plants to their wild weed relatives, the other side of the equation is that it is easier for other similarly related species to pass other traits (such as genetically engineered pesticide resistance).
Strengthen—CE. The correct answer choice is (E)
The botanist quoted in this example discusses an experiment in which domesticated radishes were raised among wild radishes; within a few generations, the wild radishes, which are considered weeds, began to take on the color of the domesticated radishes. According to the botanist, this suggests that pesticide resistance could also be passed from domesticated crop plants to their weed cousins:
- Premise: Within a few generations, wild weed radishes took on the color of domesticated radishes.
Conclusion: Pesticide resistance could also be passed from a crop plant to a related weed.
Answer choice (A): Based on the passage of color traits from domesticated radishes to their related wild species, the author concludes that other traits could be passed from domesticated plants to related species. This choice, which provides that it’s easier in principle to pass traits from wild species to domesticated species, would not strengthen the botanist’s argument, so it cannot be the right answer to this Strengthen question.
Answer choice (B): The relationship of the ratio to the speed of color trait passage would not strengthen the author’s conclusion, so this choice should be ruled out of contention.
Answer choice (C): This choice would weaken the author’s argument; if radishes are not representative, that makes it less likely that crop species could pass genetically engineered pesticide resistance in the same way that the radishes passed their color.
Answer choice (D): If, as this choice provides, the color that was passed among the radishes was not genetically introduced, that would weaken the author’s conclusion about passing genetically engineered pesticide resistance, so this cannot be the right answer to this Strengthen question.
Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer choice. If, as this choice provides, it is more difficult for radishes to pass color from domesticated plants to their wild weed relatives, the other side of the equation is that it is easier for other similarly related species to pass other traits (such as genetically engineered pesticide resistance).