- Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:00 am
Complete Question Explanation
Justify the Conclusion. The correct answer choice is (A)
The physician-author of this passage explains that the increase in blood pressure that commonly
comes with aging is caused by a calcium deficiency, which is caused by an inability to absorb
calcium, which, in turn, is frequently caused by a vitamin D deficiency.
The doctor then points out that the calcium deficit is equal to the amount of calcium found in a glass
of milk, and concludes that drinking milk can therefore lower some older people’s blood pressure.
The leap that it took to arrive at the conclusion was an assumption that these older people are able
to use that calcium (for example, there could be rocks that contain as much calcium as is lost with
aging, but that does not necessarily mean that eating such rocks would solve a vitamin D deficiency
in an older person).
The stimulus is followed by a Justify question, so the correct answer choice will justify the
physician’s conclusion that the calcium lost in some older people can be replaced by the calcium in
Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice. If the calcium in milk is to compensate
for the calcium deficiency that many older people suffer from, then those people must be able to
actually absorb the calcium. This choice provides that milk has sufficient quantities of vitamin D,
or whatever else is required, to allow older people to generally absorb the milk’s calcium, thus
replacing the deficit that commonly accompanies aging.
Answer choice (B): This choice does not justify the author’s conclusion, because even if milk is
guaranteed not to increase blood pressure, that is not relevant, as it does not establish that older
people will be able to use the calcium found in milk to compensate for the calcium deficiency that
many older people experience.
Answer choice (C): This choice provides that drinking milk does not contribute to a calcium
deficiency in older people. While this choice establishes that drinking milk won’t make the
deficiency worse than it already was, it does not justify the author’s conclusion that drinking milk
can compensate for the deficiency which already exists in many older people, thereby lowering
blood pressure.
Answer choice (D): In order to justify the conclusion from the stimulus, that drinking milk can
reduce blood pressure in many older people, the correct answer choice must confirm that the calcium
in milk can be absorbed by older people, to cure this deficiency and reduce their blood pressure.
Since the author’s conclusion is not justified by this choice, it cannot be the correct answer.
Answer choice (E): This choice provides that all people with a vitamin D deficiency also have a
calcium deficiency. Since this doesn’t confirm the author’s conclusion that milk can lower blood
pressure in older people, it cannot be the correct answer to this Justify question.
Justify the Conclusion. The correct answer choice is (A)
The physician-author of this passage explains that the increase in blood pressure that commonly
comes with aging is caused by a calcium deficiency, which is caused by an inability to absorb
calcium, which, in turn, is frequently caused by a vitamin D deficiency.
The doctor then points out that the calcium deficit is equal to the amount of calcium found in a glass
of milk, and concludes that drinking milk can therefore lower some older people’s blood pressure.
The leap that it took to arrive at the conclusion was an assumption that these older people are able
to use that calcium (for example, there could be rocks that contain as much calcium as is lost with
aging, but that does not necessarily mean that eating such rocks would solve a vitamin D deficiency
in an older person).
The stimulus is followed by a Justify question, so the correct answer choice will justify the
physician’s conclusion that the calcium lost in some older people can be replaced by the calcium in
Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice. If the calcium in milk is to compensate
for the calcium deficiency that many older people suffer from, then those people must be able to
actually absorb the calcium. This choice provides that milk has sufficient quantities of vitamin D,
or whatever else is required, to allow older people to generally absorb the milk’s calcium, thus
replacing the deficit that commonly accompanies aging.
Answer choice (B): This choice does not justify the author’s conclusion, because even if milk is
guaranteed not to increase blood pressure, that is not relevant, as it does not establish that older
people will be able to use the calcium found in milk to compensate for the calcium deficiency that
many older people experience.
Answer choice (C): This choice provides that drinking milk does not contribute to a calcium
deficiency in older people. While this choice establishes that drinking milk won’t make the
deficiency worse than it already was, it does not justify the author’s conclusion that drinking milk
can compensate for the deficiency which already exists in many older people, thereby lowering
blood pressure.
Answer choice (D): In order to justify the conclusion from the stimulus, that drinking milk can
reduce blood pressure in many older people, the correct answer choice must confirm that the calcium
in milk can be absorbed by older people, to cure this deficiency and reduce their blood pressure.
Since the author’s conclusion is not justified by this choice, it cannot be the correct answer.
Answer choice (E): This choice provides that all people with a vitamin D deficiency also have a
calcium deficiency. Since this doesn’t confirm the author’s conclusion that milk can lower blood
pressure in older people, it cannot be the correct answer to this Justify question.