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Complete Question Explanation

Must Be True. The correct answer choice is (D)

The author of this stimulus discusses the difference between the chess play of typical beginners and
that of typical experts. Beginners tend to look at moves one at a time, considering the consequences
of each. Expert players, on the other hand, typically look at the bigger patterns, recognizing potential
consequences from similar scenarios from the past.

This stimulus is followed by a Must Be True question, so the correct answer choice will pass the Fact
Test; the right answer choice can always be confirmed by the information provided in the stimulus.

Answer choice (A): This answer choice mischaracterizes a tendency among beginners to make
chess decisions move by move. This tendency is more likely based on an inability to recognize the
patterns noted by the more experienced players, rather than a sign of being better at thinking through

Answer choice (B): Although the author tells us that experts tend to use this strategy, this does
not necessarily mean that beginners would be well advised to take the same approach—given a
beginners lack of experience and of previous patterns to recognize, it would seem that this approach
would require some degree of experience with the game.

Answer choice (C): Although we know that pattern recognition is an approach that is more common
among expert chess players, we cannot reasonably conclude that the use of pattern recognition is a
necessary condition for improvement.

Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer choice. Since expert players tend to rely on
recognition of patterns from past scenarios, an expert player most certainly relies on his or her

Answer choice (E): Although we know that expert chess players primarily employ pattern
recognition techniques, and there might be some benefit for many such players to practice with other
pattern-recognition games, we cannot leap to the conclusion that Any chess player would definitely
improve his or her chess skills by playing other pattern recognition games.

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