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Complete Question Explanation

Must Be True. The correct answer choice is (C)

Here the author simply presents information, drawing no conclusions:

Adult frogs have thin skin, so they’re vulnerable to dehydration.

Small adult frogs cannot survive in arid areas (because their ratio of body weight to skin surface area
is too low). In this regard, small adult frogs are “unlike large adult frogs.” Since the author is not
explicit, we should note the implication, which is that large adult frogs can live in arid areas.

Finally, we are informed that the frogs’ need for water is the most important factor determining
where they can live in the Yucatan peninsula, where it is arid in the north and wet in the south.

The stimulus is followed by a Must question stem, so the information presented in the stimulus will
confirm the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (A): Although both large and small adult frogs are discussed, there is no mention of
an inability to coexist in wet areas. Since this choice fails the Fact Test, this answer is incorrect.

Answer choice (B): The passage suggests that only large adult frogs can live in arid areas, which
would mean that the small adult frogs in the area would be relegated to the wet areas. Since this
would decrease the average weight of frogs in the wet areas, this is an Opposite Answer and thus

Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice. The frogs’ moisture requirements determine
where they can live in the area, and small adult frogs cannot live in arid areas—unlike adult frogs,
which the author suggests can live in arid areas. If this is the case, then large adult frogs have more
options in the Yucatan than young adult frogs.

Answer choice (D): All we know of the south is that it is a wet area, where both large and small adult
frogs can live. The author provides no information regarding the respective numbers of large and
small frogs, so this choice is not confirmed in the stimulus.

Answer choice (E): All adult frogs have permeable skin, but the author provides no information
about varying degrees of permeability, so this choice fails the Fact Test.

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