- Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:19 pm
I just need clarification here for my analysis. I wasn't sure if I negated the answer choices correctly and if my reasoning was correct for the remaining contender.
Premise: Primary goal is to define and classify all possible problems and set out regulations...
Premise: Ideal
Premise: Complaint
unanticipated problem
regulate (I thought these were cause and effect relationships, not conditional)
Conclusion: An ideal bureaucracy will have an ever-expanding system of regulations. (Ideal
Ever expanding)
Basically, you have Appeal-Complaint-Problem-Regulate
I'm asked to find an assumption required for the bureaucrat's argument
Prephrase: He assumes that there will always be problems to regulate
My last two contenders were C and D.
C. Similar to my Prephrase. And this is how I negated to check: There will be times that an ideal bureaucracy will not have complaints about problems that are not covered by the bureaucracy's regulations.
There will be times that an ideal bureaucracy will have no complaints about problems that may or may not be covered by that bureaucracy's regulations.
No complaints means that the bureaucracy will not keep expanding the regulations because they're not locating problems.
D. Ideal reach goal:dbl: Ever-expanding
This is not the way the relationship exists in the stimulus. The conclusion is, Ideal
Ever expanding. This answer choice shows a reversed relationship.
I am totally unsure if I analyzed this question and answer choices correctly. Please help. Thx
Premise: Primary goal is to define and classify all possible problems and set out regulations...
Premise: Ideal

Premise: Complaint

Conclusion: An ideal bureaucracy will have an ever-expanding system of regulations. (Ideal

Basically, you have Appeal-Complaint-Problem-Regulate
I'm asked to find an assumption required for the bureaucrat's argument
Prephrase: He assumes that there will always be problems to regulate
My last two contenders were C and D.
C. Similar to my Prephrase. And this is how I negated to check: There will be times that an ideal bureaucracy will not have complaints about problems that are not covered by the bureaucracy's regulations.
There will be times that an ideal bureaucracy will have no complaints about problems that may or may not be covered by that bureaucracy's regulations.
No complaints means that the bureaucracy will not keep expanding the regulations because they're not locating problems.
D. Ideal reach goal:dbl: Ever-expanding
This is not the way the relationship exists in the stimulus. The conclusion is, Ideal

I am totally unsure if I analyzed this question and answer choices correctly. Please help. Thx