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Complete Question Explanation

Main Point. The correct answer choice is (B)

To complete this argument, you need to prephrase a conclusion that not only follows logically from the facts presented in the stimulus, but that also matches the overall structure of the argument.

The author differentiates preagricultural societies from modern ones by examining the variety and complexity of social roles required by each. Her subsidiary conclusion (“accordingly…”) focuses on the effect of limited social roles on the type of interpersonal relations found in preagricultural societies. Since the second part of the argument attempts to differentiate modern societies from earlier ones (“on the other hand”), you should expect that her main conclusion will discuss the effect of multiple social roles on interpersonal relations found in modern societies. Since preagricultural societies had interpersonal relations that were stable and predictable, we can expect that the relations in modern societies will be the exact opposite, i.e. less stable and less predictable. Answer choice (B) is therefore correct.

Answer choice (A): There is no reason to suspect that the complexity and multiplicity of social roles today has led to greater injustice and unpleasantness. Such a conclusion would fall outside the scope of this argument.

Answer choice (B): This is the correct answer choice. See discussion above.

Answer choice (C): We have no reason to suspect that the variety of social roles is the most important difference between modern and preagricultural societies. Even if it were, this answer choice fails to address the effect of these social roles on interpersonal relationships, which is the main point of the argument.

Answer choice (D): You were hopefully able to eliminate this answer choice pretty quickly, as it has no support in the stimulus and is completely outside the scope of the argument.

Answer choice (E): This answer choice is the exact opposite of what the stimulus suggests: preagricultural societies did have stable interpersonal relations due to the predictable nature of their social roles.
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Hello PowerScore

I have just finished my first timed PT after reading al three bibles and the workbook, yet met some problem. Can you kindly help me with them?

==LR Section 1==

Can you snow me how to approach this question? I tried to approach it with causal reasoning, but one of the major LSAT discussion forum said that it is not a causal reasoning form. Moreover, even if I approach it as a casual reasoning question, I still can't get the right answer.
Last edited by a.lsat on Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 Adam Tyson
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I'm happy to try helping with this one, and I hope I am looking at the right question here - it's about social roles in society, comparing pre-agricultural society to modern? June 2003, Section 1?

If that's the right one, I would ask you to think about what cause and effect you are seeing. Do we have language like "brings about" or "results from" or "leads to", or any of our other causal indicators? I'm not seeing the classic ones here. I would agree that there is some implied causality here - the changes to society have probably caused something, and we are trying to find the answer that shows the effect - but that doesn't mean we ought to approach it causally.

Since this is a fill in the blank question, and that blank is introduced by the word "Therefore", we are looking at a Main Point question, and we need to find the answer that is the conclusion or main point. Ask yourself what it is that the author is likely to conclude here. He tells us that in the old days, there were very few social roles and thus life was stable and predictable. Now, in contrast, there are thousands of social roles. If few roles leads to stability and predictability, one could assume that many such roles would lead to less stability and less predictability. That's the most natural thing with which to fill in that blank, and leads you to answer B as the correct answer.

I hope that was helpful (and that it was in fact, the right question that I answered!)
  • Posts: 9
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Hi Adam

Thanks for the reply. It's much easier if I approach it as a Main Point Question.
It also reminds me "Main Point-Fill in the Blank Questions" in the bible.


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