- Thu May 12, 2016 2:11 pm
Complete Question Explanation
Flaw in the Reasoning-CE. The correct answer choice is (B)
To understand the flawed pattern of reasoning in a given stimulus, it is crucial to analyze the logical structure of its argument:
Answer choice (A): The sample of learning deficits is not too small; it is the cause of these deficits that is unreasonably restricted to problems involving short-term memory. This answer choice is incorrect.
Answer choice (B): This is the correct answer choice. See discussion above.
Answer choice (C): The fact that defects in short-term memory are always caused by malfunctions of the hippocampus does not presume that short-term memory is disabled whenever the hippocampus is disabled. This is a reversal of the first sentence of the argument.
Answer choice (D): Quantifying the precise length of time during which the mind holds a piece of information in short-term memory is unnecessary and irrelevant to the conclusion of the argument. There is no reason to suspect that a more precise length of time than the “few moments” offered in the stimulus is necessary to establish the conclusion. This answer choice is incorrect.
Answer choice (E): Since the subject of learning deficits in adults was never mentioned in the stimulus, their comparison to learning deficits in children is inconsequential and irrelevant to the conclusion.
Flaw in the Reasoning-CE. The correct answer choice is (B)
To understand the flawed pattern of reasoning in a given stimulus, it is crucial to analyze the logical structure of its argument:
- Premise (1):
Defects in short-term memory are caused by malfunctions of the hippocampus;
Premise (2):Information stored in short-term memory is either stored in long-term memory or forgotten;
Premise (3):Learning is the accumulation of new information in long-term memory;
Conclusion:A malfunction of the hippocampus must be responsible for a child’s learning deficit
Malfunction of hippocampusLearning deficit
Answer choice (A): The sample of learning deficits is not too small; it is the cause of these deficits that is unreasonably restricted to problems involving short-term memory. This answer choice is incorrect.
Answer choice (B): This is the correct answer choice. See discussion above.
Answer choice (C): The fact that defects in short-term memory are always caused by malfunctions of the hippocampus does not presume that short-term memory is disabled whenever the hippocampus is disabled. This is a reversal of the first sentence of the argument.
Answer choice (D): Quantifying the precise length of time during which the mind holds a piece of information in short-term memory is unnecessary and irrelevant to the conclusion of the argument. There is no reason to suspect that a more precise length of time than the “few moments” offered in the stimulus is necessary to establish the conclusion. This answer choice is incorrect.
Answer choice (E): Since the subject of learning deficits in adults was never mentioned in the stimulus, their comparison to learning deficits in children is inconsequential and irrelevant to the conclusion.