- Mon Aug 12, 2019 11:00 am
I think this problem is a lot easier if it didn't lack what appears to be proper antecedent basis. On the one hand we're instructed to read carefully and in the case of MBT do not bring in outside information. Answer E) states "The Standard of refusal" and the stimulus states "The CONTEMPORARY standard of refusal. The answer explained in the PS book clearly point out the very distinction of 2 two definitions of refusal. So why in answer choice E) would one leave out the important term "contemporary" .
I was down to answer choices B) and E) my initial thought was that we know nothing g about "other bridge builders" but we know that the bridges( which were built by bridge builders( e.g., robot or alien ) prior to 1700 adhered to a "refusal" standard that was more strict than " the contemporary standard". I would've picked E) easily had the answer choice included the proper antecedent basis. I can totally see the test makers arguing the "contemporary " aspect. Is there a sure fire way to get this question? I feel like it would have been a really good most strongly supported question Instead
I was down to answer choices B) and E) my initial thought was that we know nothing g about "other bridge builders" but we know that the bridges( which were built by bridge builders( e.g., robot or alien ) prior to 1700 adhered to a "refusal" standard that was more strict than " the contemporary standard". I would've picked E) easily had the answer choice included the proper antecedent basis. I can totally see the test makers arguing the "contemporary " aspect. Is there a sure fire way to get this question? I feel like it would have been a really good most strongly supported question Instead