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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=12828)

The correct answer choice is (E)

If the two photographs in one of the sections are by G, that section must be either Lifestyle or Metro, because G cannot have any photographs in Sports. According to our templates, such a solution would be possible in both Templates 1 and 2. Modify the templates using the new information from the stem, and use them to attack the answer choices.

If you did not make templates, this question requires the creation of two local diagrams, as follows:
PT76_O15 LG Explanations_Game #2_#12_diagram 1.png
If both photographs in Lifestyle are by G (Setup 1), then neither is by H. To comply with the third rule, we need to ensure that neither of the photographs in Sports is by F. G can have no photographs in Sports either, forcing us to assign H to both photographs in that section. Metro and Lifestyle must share at least one photographer (second rule), and all photographers must appear at least once. Accordingly, one of the two photographs in Metro must be by G, and the other—by F:
PT76_O15 LG Explanations_Game #2_#12_diagram 2.png
Onto Setup 2: If both photographs in Metro are by G, then exactly one of the photographs in Lifestyle is by G. This is because Lifestyle and Metro must share at least one photographer, and no photographer can have more than three photographs:
PT76_O15 LG Explanations_Game #2_#12_diagram 3.png
Before you continue analyzing the second solution, check to see if your work thus far can help eliminate any of the answer choices. An optimally efficient approach requires a continuous focus on the task at hand: to identify the correct answer choice, all we need to do is prove that four of the five answer choices cannot be true.

Answer choice (A) cannot be true, because at least one of the two photographs in Lifestyle is by G. You can also disprove this answer choice with the use of templates, as neither Template 1 nor 2 would allow the two photographs in Lifestyle to be by H.

Answer choice (B) cannot be true, because at least one of the two photographs in Lifestyle is by G.

Answer choice (C) is incorrect, because at least one of photographs in Metro is by G.

Answer choice (D) is incorrect, because the two photographs in Metro are either by F and G (Setup 1), or else by G alone (Setup 2).

Answer choice (E) is the correct answer choice. As you can see from our two setups, both would allow us to assign H to the two photographs in Sports.
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I think I had a hard time with this question because I assumed that because the number of Hs in Lifestyle = the number of Fs in Sports that also meant that if I had an F in Lifestyle I must also have an H in sport which I see now is not correct.

Thank you for this explanation. I generally have a hard time making inferences before going into the questions or identifying how I can make several templates. Do you have any advice on how I can improve in this area? I would appreciate it a lot.

Thank you so much in advance

For my reference ( PT76, 2015, LG 2 newspaper photograph, q12)
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Hi lolaSur!

Here are a few of resources from our blog that I think you'll find useful:

How and When to Create Templates in Logic Games ... templates/

When to Move to the Questions in Logic Games ... -games.cfm

Attacking Logic Games: Focus on Certainty! ... -Certainty

Global/Local Question Answering Strategies ... trategies/

Hope this helps!


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