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 Dana D
PowerScore Staff
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  • Posts: 385
  • Joined: Feb 06, 2024
Hey Catallus,

This is a MBT question. The stimulus tells us the most successful economies train people to research, develop, and apply new technologies. Therefore, it makes sense that if Europe wants to be more successful than it currently is, it should aspire to train more people to research, develop, and apply new technologies. I wouldn't think of this in terms of conditional logic, rather more as a checklist for success. For example, if the fastest runners all eat bananas, stretch in the morning, and drink a gallon of water everyday, then in order to be a faster runner I should probably do all 3 of those things. The stimulus tells us that Europe and Japan both struggle with more workers than jobs, and both do not have enough technical workers, so the only thing (seemingly) separating Japan from Europe is that Japan has more people trained to do apply the new technologies.

Hope that helps!

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