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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=12912)

The correct answer choice is (B)

This is one of the most challenging question in this game, requiring us to identify an answer choice containing a list of variables that cannot all be assigned to Thorne. Without the use of templates, we would have no choice but to plug-and-chug the variables from each answer choice in the hopes of determining which combination does not work. A far superior approach would be to validate the four incorrect answer choices by referring to the relevant templates.

Answer choice (A) is incorrect, because F, G, H, and M can all be assigned to Thorne in Template 1.

Answer choice (B) is the correct answer choice, as none of the templates have a provision where the assignment of variables to T Thorne includes F, H, K, and M. If these four variables were assigned to Thorne, we would be forced to assign G and L to Silva in order to satisfy the minimum requirement of two variables per group. This, however, would violate the third rule of the game:
PT74 - Game_#4_#22_diagram 1.png
Answer choice (C) is incorrect, because G, K and L could comprise a complete assignment of variables to Thorne, as suggested by Template 2A.

Answer choice (D) is incorrect, because G, K and M could comprise a complete assignment of variables to Thorne, as suggested by Template 2A.

Answer choice (E) is incorrect, because K and M could comprise a complete assignment of variables to Thorne, as suggested by Template 2A.
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I removed E as a contender because in problem 18 I had the following scenario:


Please advise how it is the correct answer.
 Kristina Moen
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The question asks "Which one of the following CANNOT be the complete assignment of photographers to the Thorne University ceremony?" so you were right to remove answer choice (E) as a contender. It is not the correct answer. Good job using your previous work. I won't say the correct answer here, so you have an opportunity to go back and try the question again! :)
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I thought this game was partially-defined, moving; unbalanced/overloaded.

Set up like so, with S/T as bases.


-- --

-- --

F (vertical
H block)

If L+M, then different ceremonies.

If G(s), then L(t)....contrapositive L(t)slash, then G(s) slash.

K(t)slash, then H(t) + M (t)...contrapositive H(t) or M(t) both slash, then K (t)

I don't understand how answer choice e is the correct answer. Why couldn't you put the FH block in Silva and the KM block in Thorne?...don't have either L or M, so that rule doesn't apply...the second rule (G and L) doesn't seem to apply...finally, in this hypothetical, H is not in Thorne, so K is in T. Since we only need one OR the other to activate the 3rd rule; why can't KM go in Thorne together? Also, what would you change about this setup? Thanks powerscore!
 Francis O'Rourke
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Hi oops,

The correct answer to this question, # 22, was answer choice (B)

Above, Kristina commented that it was correct to "remove answer choice (E) as a contender." Let me know if you have any other questions for this one :-D
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Is another reason why B cannot be a complete assignment because K, M and H can not all be together because of rule 3?

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Hi theamazingrace!

That last rule doesn't say that K H & M cannot all be together. It only tells us what happens if K is NOT assigned to Thorne. But if K is assigned to Thorne, then that rule doesn't get triggered and it would still be perfectly fine for H & M to also be in Thorne. It's the other rules that end up making this impossible. But taken by itself, the last rule would still allow K H & M to be together in Thorne. The rule only tells us that they would not be able to be together in Silva.

Look at the diagram and contrapositive of that rule:

Kt :arrow: Ht + Mt
Ht or Mt :arrow: Kt

Whenever you have a set of contrapositives, you cannot have the two sufficient conditions at the same time. However it's totally fine to have the two necessary conditions at the same time. Ht Mt & Kt are all necessary conditions and, thus, they could all be true simultaneously.

Hope this helps!


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