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Complete Question Explanation
(See the complete passage discussion here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=13780)

The correct answer choice is (E)

To identify a question whose answer can be found in the passage, try the process of elimination. The general nature of the question stem makes it difficult to arrive at a precise prephrase.

Answer choice (A): The passage only provides information regarding techniques that have been revived. This answer choice is incorrect.

Answer choice (B): This is a tricky question, requiring us to return to the passage and verify the information provided. Passage organization is key: the first paragraph describes the tintype in some detail, alluding to an image-containing emulsion applied to the iron plate (lines 7-11). The chemical composition of that emulsion, however, is never discussed, making this answer choice incorrect.

Answer choice (C): Pinhole cameras are mentioned on line 21, but the photographers using them are never discussed by name.

Answer choice (D): Coating paper with egg whites is mentioned in line 21, but the resulting photographic effect is never described.

Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer choice. In the fourth paragraph, the author describes the modern techniques as being “simpler, cheaper, faster, and more consistent in their results” (lines 31-32), qualities that led to the obsolescence of earlier photographic processes.
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I picked D for this question because it mentions in line 19 "in order to coax new expressive effects"
I assumed they effect would be an expressive one. Why is that incorrect?

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 Jeff Wren
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Hi Sammie,

This answer choice is a bit tricky.

Answer D asks "What effect is produced when photographic paper is coated with egg whites?"

What Answer D is asking is literally what effect is produced, meaning what does coating the paper with egg whites actually do to the photograph?

The passage describes several old fashioned photographic techniques that modern photographers have revived in order to try to coax expressive effects, but the passage doesn't actually tell us what those effects actually are or how what makes them more expressive.

In lines 19-24, the passage states "photographers are polishing daguerreotype plates, coating paper with egg whites, making pinhole cameras, and mixing emulsions from nineteenth-century recipes in order to coax new expressive effects from old photographic techniques."

In other words, the goal in using these techniques was to create more expressive effects, but exactly what specific effect each technique had that makes the photograph more expressive is not discussed.

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