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Complete Question Explanation
(See the complete passage discussion here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=10516)

The correct answer choice is (E)

To answer this question, you need to summarize the main point of passage A.

Answer choice (A): Although altruistic behavior is indeed problematic for evolutionary psychology, this answer choice ignores the discussion in the second and third paragraphs of passage A, and fails to give an adequate summary of the argument.

Answer choice (B): Passage A does not provide new evidence to explain altruism.

Answer choice (C): There is no evidence suggesting that altruistic behavior only served evolutionary purposes in the past. In fact, the author clearly states in the third paragraph that the same altruistic mechanisms that promoted the propagation of genes in ancestral, kin-based groups could have come to apply to humans who are not kin when communities grew larger (lines 27-32).

Answer choice (D): This answer choice contains an exaggeration. The author does not view most significant types of human behavior as prompted by genetically selfish motivations.

Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer choice, as it aptly summarizes the content from all three paragraphs in passage A.

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