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Complete Question Explanation
(See the complete passage discussion here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=10516)

The correct answer choice is (C)

To answer this question, we need to understand the structure of passage B. Since the author describes monogamy as an example of human behavior for which evolutionary psychologists propose a questionable explanation (lines 43-52), referring to the second paragraph of passage B will probably help prove the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (A): The tendency of early humans to live in small communities was discussed in passage A, not passage B.

Answer choice (B): The author of passage B mentions the fact that human offspring mature slowly, but this is not a phenomenon for which evolutionary psychologists have attempted to provide an explanation.

Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice. At the end of the second paragraph of passage B, the author states that evolutionary psychologists take the formation of monogamous families as evidence that humans have an interest in propagating our genes. The next sentence (“Are they right?”) suggests that the psychologists’ explanation is questionable.

Answer choice (D): The author of passage B would probably criticize the evolutionary psychologists for misinterpreting the interests that motivate some human actions, but surely does not regard their misinterpretation as an example of a human characteristic for which the same psychologists propose a questionable explanation.

Answer choice (E): The possibility that humans might care for some things for their own sakes is the author’s own attempt to explain the human characteristics mentioned in the question stem (lines 65-66).

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