- Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:44 pm
Complete Question Explanation
(See the complete passage discussion here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=14542)
The correct answer choice is (C)
The question stem asks for the primary purpose of the passage. The main point is prephrased above,
in the summary of the passage.
Answer choice (A): Although it is clear that the author believes the prevailing perspective to be
unfounded, the intent of the passage is not to determine the correct hypothesis, but rather to suggest a
framework from which to study the phenomenon.
Answer choice (B): The author’s purpose is not so much to discredit the evidence offered, but
to point out that the prevailing view seems to be based on ungrounded assumptions rather than
empirical evidence, and to suggest a different perspective.
Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice. Part of the author’s purpose, as prephrased
above, is to argue that the prevailing specialists would be well served to take on a different
perspective with regard to the ramifications of importing programming to developing nations, a
perspective which takes empirical evidence into consideration.
Answer choice (D): Since this passage only involves the methodological weaknesses of one
discipline, this answer choice is incorrect.
Answer choice (E): Like answer choice (D), this choice cannot be correct, because the author of the
stimulus discusses only one discipline.
(See the complete passage discussion here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=14542)
The correct answer choice is (C)
The question stem asks for the primary purpose of the passage. The main point is prephrased above,
in the summary of the passage.
Answer choice (A): Although it is clear that the author believes the prevailing perspective to be
unfounded, the intent of the passage is not to determine the correct hypothesis, but rather to suggest a
framework from which to study the phenomenon.
Answer choice (B): The author’s purpose is not so much to discredit the evidence offered, but
to point out that the prevailing view seems to be based on ungrounded assumptions rather than
empirical evidence, and to suggest a different perspective.
Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice. Part of the author’s purpose, as prephrased
above, is to argue that the prevailing specialists would be well served to take on a different
perspective with regard to the ramifications of importing programming to developing nations, a
perspective which takes empirical evidence into consideration.
Answer choice (D): Since this passage only involves the methodological weaknesses of one
discipline, this answer choice is incorrect.
Answer choice (E): Like answer choice (D), this choice cannot be correct, because the author of the
stimulus discusses only one discipline.