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Complete Question Explanation

The correct answer choice is (D).

Answer choice (A):

Answer choice (B):

Answer choice (C):

Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (E):

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I am having a hard time understanding why D is the correct answer and not E. The second paragraph mentions that "the basin of attraction for a body of water is the area of land that, whenever water is spilled on it, always directs the spilled water to that body." I chose E because I believed this sentence insinuated that water would flow to the same destination. Answer D seemed like a more broad answer hence why I decided to go with E.

Thank you!
 Luke Haqq
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Hi elee998!

There are only a handful of words at the end of each answer choice that make (D) and (E) different from one another. (D) indicates that a "basin of attraction" refers to "the set of all points on an area of land for which water spilled at each point will travel to a particular body of water." (E) refers to "the set of all points on an area of land for which water spilled at each point will travel to the same exact destination."

One can find support for (D) in the second paragraph. As you note, we're told that "[t]he basin of attraction for a body of water is the area of land that, whenever water is spilled on it, always directs the spilled water to that body" (lines 20-22). This specifically defines a basin of attraction with reference to a particular body of water, and there is further support for this in the paragraph's second sentence (lines 14-20). The next paragraph begins (lines 23-26) by making a distinction between knowing the exact destination versus knowing the body of water in which it will end. But the definition in the second paragraph makes clear that the definition only refers to ending in a body of water, not an exact destination.

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