- Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:55 pm
Hello all, I for many reasons decided to take the December LSAT instead of earlier ones. One of these reasons is that I am going to be a splitter. I am taking an extra semester currently to try and close that gap just a little bit before applying and will need my fall semester grades in order to have a more pristine application. My real concern is that from some things I have read, it may be too late to apply in January when my transcript and LSAT scores would be finalized. Other things I have read say that applying in early-mid January is fine and I shouldn't worry as long as I start sending out applications the second my LSAT comes in. I am trying to get into the best Law Schools possible with a 3.22 GPA and a likely 170+ LSAT (currently at a 168 with a significant amount of time between now and December) In conclusion, I can't find a conclusive answer on whether or not taking the December LSAT and applying in January is a viable option for admittance in fall, especially to schools such as UT, Vanderbilt, WUSTL, Georgetown, etc.