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General questions relating to law school or law school admissions.
  • Posts: 2
  • Joined: Aug 24, 2017

I am applying to law school this fall. I ultimately want to end up in Texas to practice law, however I definitely want to attend a T14 (preferably T10) law school.

If I were to go to Northwestern or UPENN would I have trouble getting a job for a Dallas based position at a BigLaw firm? Does BigLaw hire by the office, or when BigLaw Firm A shows up on campus you can tell them what office(s) you're interested in?

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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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  • Joined: Mar 25, 2011
Hi A,

The short and happy answer here is that you would not have any troubles competing in the Dallas/Houston markets. Both Penn and Northwestern have national reputations, and you'd be able to interview favorably against UT grads in those areas (and would stand out a bit since a Penn/NW grad interviewing for Dallas is less common than a UT grad doing the same). Plus, Penn and NW already place in Texas:

Penn State Placement
  • Employed 97.6%
    Washington, D.C. 9.6%
    New York 48.8%
    Pennsylvania 12.5%
    Texas 5.8%
    Unknown State 22.8%
    Non-Employed 2.4%
Northwestern State Placement ... /location/
  • Employed 93.8%
    Illinois 39.3%
    New York 18.1%
    California 15.2%
    Washington, D.C. 4.8%
    Texas 2.6%
    Minnesota 1.9%
    Florida 1.5%
    Massachusetts 1.5%
    Colorado 1.1%
    Georgia 1.1%
    Unknown State 2.4%
    Non-Employed 6.3%
Degrees from either school are portable, and would serve you well in any major market.


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