msirchia wrote:Hi Dave,
Thank you for the response!
I agree in that the main Ent Law programs will be in LA UCLA, SouthWestern, USC.....
I forgot to add to my initial question that I have been a working professional within the Music industry for the last 6 years so I would have a pre existing network of relationships to bring into the legal market of representing artists and such.
Out of the NY schools, is anyone of them much more prominent in IP than the other?
Also in your opinion will programs like NYU, Columbia and Fordham value my high level work experience in lieu of a low Undergrad GPA from 12 years ago?
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the question. It's really all down to name recognition at a certain point, and even if Fordham had an IP program that was well rated, a school like Columbia trumps that with an overall rating that's better. It's kind of like football: your team might have the better running back, but if my team has the better players in most other positions, we're considered the better team overall. thus, your goal should really to be to get into the best school possible, which is usually reflected in the overall rankings.
That said, here's the current IP Law rankings: ... w-rankings (NYU #3)
And here are the current overall rankings: ... w-rankings
Last, schools will like your experience, but unfortunately law school is
all about the numbers, LSAT first and GPA second in importance. If you don't have the numbers for a school, it's very tough to overcome that with soft factors like work experience. It's ridiculous and backwards, but this is the system we have these days unfortunately.
Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!