- Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:12 pm
Hello! I've started my resume for this cycle but have concerns about it's length. I'm 36 and have had job since I was 16 (sometimes two to three jobs at once) so I've been in the workforce for 20 years. While I've been a part-time sales associate, barista, youth camp director, and youth soccer coach, my actual post-graduate career is in domestic and sexual violence advocacy. As you can imagine, there's a lot to report over 20 years and I feel a bit lost and overwhelmed by the task. On the whole, I think my employment history says a lot about who I am and I'm not embarrassed or ashamed by the more menial or side-hustle gigs I've had, often times on top of working my full-time nonprofit career. What's more, I also want to include a rich community service history. By providing even a brief description of each job and volunteer gig for context, my resume starts to get a bit long and unruly. I've had trouble finding examples or guidance online and would greatly appreciate some tips, advice, feedback or referrals to reputable and reliable resources. Thanks so much!