- Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:00 pm
Do you have any advice for reaching out to professors for rec letters for those of us that have been out of school for ~5 years?
I was planning on including a bit of background on when I took their class/my grade/why I liked it, an old essay that I wrote for them, and my resume. Is there anything else I should include, like a cover letter detailing my interest in law? Or offer to do a Zoom call with them since I can't go meet with them given the current environment?
I was planning on including a bit of background on when I took their class/my grade/why I liked it, an old essay that I wrote for them, and my resume. Is there anything else I should include, like a cover letter detailing my interest in law? Or offer to do a Zoom call with them since I can't go meet with them given the current environment?