LSAT and Law School Admissions Forum

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General questions relating to law school or law school admissions.
 Zarie Blackburn
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We recently received the following question from a student. An LSAT Expert will respond below. Thanks!
To whom it may concern, I am emailing to ask whether it is at all possible for me to reapply as a 1L to other law schools without having to unenroll from my current law school, should my previous 1L grades (partially mandatory pass/fail against my will due to Corona) not suffice to transfer to those very law schools. I haven't found much information online as to whether it has been done before, or might even be looked down upon by law schools. I hope to switch schools as either a transfer or to repeat my 1L year if need be so that I might attend a higher-ranked law school with the dual degree program I wish to enroll in. I am asking so that I might plan accordingly on retaking the LSAT by this November or January before seeking out consulting with your services. I appreciate your time and any input you might be able to provide!
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 Dave Killoran
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Thanks for the message! To my knowledge, this is not possible. Any new school would see your status, and that would be the end of your consideration unless you first drop out. However, these are unusual times and if your first desire is to transfer in as a 2L, talk to your target transfer school and ask them what you said here: if my grades don't allow for a transfer due to pass/fail, could I restart as a 1L and what would that take? It's possible that in this situation they'd be fine with it because everyone knows these aren't normal conditions.

Good luck, and please let me know what they say!

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