- Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:02 pm
We recently received the following question from a student. An LSAT Expert will respond below. Thanks!
To whom it may concern, I am emailing to ask whether it is at all possible for me to reapply as a 1L to other law schools without having to unenroll from my current law school, should my previous 1L grades (partially mandatory pass/fail against my will due to Corona) not suffice to transfer to those very law schools. I haven't found much information online as to whether it has been done before, or might even be looked down upon by law schools. I hope to switch schools as either a transfer or to repeat my 1L year if need be so that I might attend a higher-ranked law school with the dual degree program I wish to enroll in. I am asking so that I might plan accordingly on retaking the LSAT by this November or January before seeking out consulting with your services. I appreciate your time and any input you might be able to provide!