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General questions relating to law school or law school admissions.
  • Posts: 3
  • Joined: Nov 24, 2020
Hey! I did not input my ssn my number at the time of creating my lsac account. As I filled out my law school apps I found that it was autofilled incorrectly. I called LSAC and they have the wrong ssn. After doing some research I see that this has happened to many people, apparently they assign you a number if you don’t do it at the time of creation (a 999 #). I have submitted the paperwork to fix this issue, however, I am done with apps and would like to submit ASAP. Do you know if I can go ahead and submit my apps, or must I wait until LSAC resolves the issue (they say wait 3-5 business days)? Any info/advice would be appreciated! Thanks so much!
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hey Jessica,

I know you and I talked about this via DM elsewhere, and that LSAC has cleared this up for you already. This was my response to you there for anyone else searching for this answer:
  • "This is an unusual one, but I'd wait until LSAC updates the info. Otherwise, if a school pulls your info it will have the wrong info on it. When LSAC changes that will update, but schools often siphon the LSAC data into their own systems, and you don't want confusion there or any kind of failure to update!"

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