Hey Anasiya,
That's a great question. Essentially, it boils down to how your college presents those failing grades in your transcript. If they still show up on your transcript in any way (even if you retook the class and had the grades replaced), there's a very high possibility that LSAC will take them into consideration when they calculate your UGPA.
This post on our LSAT blog is particularly relevant to you:
http://blog.powerscore.com/lsat/bid/153 ... script-GPA
Pay special notice to this part:
...even if your school does not count a failing grade into your over all GPA (e.g., the grade is "nonpunitive," meaning your GPA is not punished for it), LSAC may count it in their calculations as a 0.0. This is particularly relevant for students who took a class, failed it, and then repeated it to have the failing grade "replaced" on their transcript. Unless the grade was completely taken off your record (or if only the grade is shown on your transcript and not the number of units you attempted), then it will counted in.
LSAC will also count in grades even if your schools "removes" them from your transcript by having a line go through them. If the grade is in your transcript, and the number of units you attempted or earned are next to it, then it will be included in the LSAC transcript calculations.
In essence, it's going to depend on how the junior college presents the grades on your transcript. My advice would be to get your hands on an official copy of your transcript and then put a call in to LSAC to find out exactly how they'll interpret it. Here's LSAC's contact info:
If LSAC does end up counting it in, you'll need to submit an addendum to schools explaining the situation, along with how your grades were cleared through academic renewal. You can read more about addenda and how to write them here:
http://blog.powerscore.com/lsat/bid/153 ... th-addenda
I hope that helps! Best of luck!