- Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:58 pm
I was reading previous posts about the place of addenda in law school admissions. I have a relatively high GPA (high 3.70s) as a science major but on my transcripts, I do have one semester where I withdrew from research and had a lower grade in one course. Previous to that semester, I suffered my second concussion in college and as the semester continued, I realized I was still experiencing side effects and I had taken on too much. Would adding an addendum to my application explaining the withdrawal and my low grade be beneficial or would it be overlooked?
I was reading previous posts about the place of addenda in law school admissions. I have a relatively high GPA (high 3.70s) as a science major but on my transcripts, I do have one semester where I withdrew from research and had a lower grade in one course. Previous to that semester, I suffered my second concussion in college and as the semester continued, I realized I was still experiencing side effects and I had taken on too much. Would adding an addendum to my application explaining the withdrawal and my low grade be beneficial or would it be overlooked?