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General questions relating to law school or law school admissions.
  • Posts: 17
  • Joined: Aug 24, 2015

I was wondering if I were at all to write an addendum about my grade improvement.... Does it sound like too much of a "humble brag" to include numerical grades you received in an course?

For instance, so far from the spring, summer, and thus far the fall 2015 semester, I had received very high grades ( lowest at a 95)... However, since my school does not have the plus or minus system, the only grade I can get is an A.

Would you at all mention this since there is a difference between a 91 and a 98 even though they both count as an A and I would like to have that reflected? I feel like this is somewhat problematic because I do not know how I could show proof or evidence of this other than if law schools took me at my word for it that I was being truthful. On some of the courses numerical grades were posted electronically, but I feel it would be a bit of a hassle trying to track down old courses from the spring and summer and An admissions officer would likely not want to see an attached PDF/or document of each course

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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hey Ryan,

My strong feeling on this is not to do it. First off, it's not easy to explain the situation and make yourself look good at the same time. As you say, it would be hard to avoid the humblebrag. Second, everyone has this same problem. It's just a fact of life that letter grades encompass a range of numerical scores, so if you go to a school that uses these, that problem exists. Yours is made a bit worse because of the lack of a plus or minus, but fundamentally this is something that penalizes many students (and benefits some too). So, if you try to make an explanation of something that is a universal problem, again it is hard to look good.

I hope that helps. Thanks!

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