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Is B the correct answer because in the second paragraph of the passage the author expresses: "but the relationship between the two genres is more complex"? Would the fact that the author acknowledges that there are "two genres" support B as an answer?

Thank you in advance!
 Claire Horan
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Yes, MP! Good job finding a specific line reference to support your answer. The author's reference to "the typical slave narrative" in the line directly before that also supports answer choice B.
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Why was D wrong?
 Adam Tyson
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There's really no textual support in the passage for answer D, valentina07. The author never tells us what autobiographies, or autobiographical narratives, should do. They only tell us what this particular example, framed as a domestic novel, does. Perhaps the author would agree with answer D, but perhaps not. Maybe they would say "no, it's okay for autobiographies to tell stories that are merely informative and not particularly powerful." We just can't know, based solely on this text, and we must base our answer solely on the text.

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