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 Quinn Braaten
  • Posts: 3
  • Joined: Aug 02, 2023
Just started studying for the LSAT. As a part of my third year of science undergrad I need to take an arts elective course, and I was looking at a course called "Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking". It's a first year level course that I was thinking I could use to fill that slot and conveniently help a bit with LSAT stuff.

It covers things like Formal Logic, Informal Logic, Inductive Logic, etc... However, the average grade of the course has seemingly nosedived in recent years (89 in 2018 to 71 last session).

My question is should I take this course, or will I end up learning all of this myself anyway, and try to find a course that can likely help my GPA more? Thanks!

+ Here is a link to the course syllabus from recent years: ... 2020WC.pdf
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 Dave Killoran
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Hey Quinn,

In a course like this you will certainly learn some stuff that is useful for the LSAT (like argument analysis) but you will also be taught plenty that does not apply (like truth tables). So it's really up to you as to whether this is the course for you.

I can tell you that what we do in LSAT prep is teach you the logic that is used by the test. that way you don't spend time on things the LSAT will never test. What we teach overlaps with logic courses, but it's not the same. So, in your case, I'd take this class only if you really feel it would interest you and you'd enjoy it.


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