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Complete Question Explanation

The correct answer choice is (B).

Answer choice (A):

Answer choice (B): This is the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (C):

Answer choice (D):

Answer choice (E):

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Hey, Power Score!

Could you explain why C mystery, play, and science fiction is incorrect?
 Adam Tyson
PowerScore Staff
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Answer C is eliminated because it violates the last rule, Aladeen. In that answer, T is not selected, and when T is not selected, M and R must BOTH be selected. That answer has M, but not R, violating that rule.

A rule-by-rule approach to questions like this should always eliminate all 4 wrong answers, just by asking yourself "has this rule been activated by this answer, and if so, was the rule followed correctly?" In attacking the answers with the last rule, I just thought to myself: "I am looking for answers that don't include T, and making sure they have M and R; if they don't, they're wrong."

Answers A and C are both eliminated by that rule, leaving just B (because I eliminated D and E with the first two rules).

Try that approach with the next "list" question you encounter and see how great it works!

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